This “liberation” has taken a little longer to reach the Marvel Cinematic Universe (UCM), but there are already several occasions in which movies surprise us with slightly daring scenesnot because they are explicit or in bad taste, but simply and simply because they were not common in their edition.
The marvel movies They have been distinguished by their waste of special effects and action scenes, but lately they have made us blush with some sequences in which their characters appear as we did not imagine them (or maybe they do, but we did not expect to see it on screen).Īlthough we imagined it, perhaps we did not expect see thor completely naked oa Loki being stripped of his clothes on TVAbut those are the tools that Marvel uses to lower the tension of a moment and surprise the viewer.īefore, this was unthinkable, because in the middle of the 20th century, the Comic Book Code Authority (CCA) was created in the United States, an organization that reviewed its contents and gave them a seal of approval, indicating that children could read them calmly, since they were free of any reference or sexual scene.Īlthough this organization was dissolved until 2011, since the 70s some comics were already beginning to go a little out of the norm showing more sexual or sexual references.